Thursday, September 29, 2016

PCB Design for 89C51/8051 Development Board

PCB Design for 89C51/8051 Development Board 
After making the 89c51/8051 development board you can also make a PCB board for it. PCB designing is a very useful and professional tool for an engineer. Ok lets come to the point, first you need to know about the ARES, the ARES is a PCB designing tool available in Proteus, this is not a professional tool for PCB designing but you can makes the PCB upto two or four layers. ARES is a very basic software for PCB designers so that's why it is very easy to understand. 
Also the Proteus Schematic and ARES PCB design are interconnected with each other its mean there is no need to think about the connectivity of the wires to components. 

89C51 Development Board PCB
89C51 Development Board PCB Design

The Above Figure shows the complete PCB design of the 89C51 Development Board, but to understand the basics of whole PCB designing first you need to know about the grid size and the units of the ARES. 
In the ARES PCB tool the basic unit of length is (TH) and TH is stands for THA. 

        1mm = 39.4th 
         1inch = 25.4mm
       1inch = 1000th

By using these three units we can easily find the actual length of the PCB and these are the very basic things to know. So every large gird is equal to 1000th and every small grid is equal to 1th, as shown in below figure.

Grid Size and Axis of ARES
Grid Size and XY-Axis of ARES 

PCB Design for 89C51/8051 Development Board 
If you wanna make your PCB at home then you must know about the Wire size , Pad size , Via size and drill hole size and these are also very basic things in PCB designing. 

Wire size must be 40th 
Pad Arduino-DILL if Rectangle 
Pad C-80-30 if Circle
Via C-70-30
drill Hole 30th

If you wanna etch your PCB with machine then the sizes of wire , pad , via and drill hole can be changed. But mostly students can't effort the price of machine etching that's why im focusing on hand etching method. It is very simple to make you own PCB at home, first you need some things below is a list of these things,
  1. Laser printer 
  2. Photo glassy paper or simple paper A4 size 
  3. Clean Copper board for PCB etching 
  4. Mini Drill machine 
  5. Fric Coloride 
  6. Heat Gun or estari 

PCB Designi for 89C51/8051 Development Board 

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