Sunday, November 1, 2015

How to make a 89C51/8051 Development board

How to make a 89C51/8051 Development board :

Hi , readers in my last post you learned how to use the Proteus software. In this section you will learn how to make a 89C51/8051 development board. The 89C51/8051 development board is a practice board for beginners. The 89C51/8051 development board is very important for making hobby , useful , mini and mega projects. Without development kit you face many problems during learning and making the projects using 89C51 microcontroller. The basic 89C51/8051 development board divided into 4 main sections and these are giving below :

1 . Power section
2 . Serial communication section
3.  Reset section
4.  Input/ output ports section

Some advanced 89C51/8051 development boards contain more sections like , 2X16 LCD section , Dot matrix section , Hex keyboard section etc etc . But we are going to make a basic 89C51/8051 development board. So first we will make 89C51/8051 development board circuit in Proteus ISIS and then its PCB in ARES. If you are beginner and don't know what is Proteus and how is works then please visit my previous posts first. My previous posts is giving below with links.

How to install Proteus 7.6 
How to use Proteus ( Part 1 ) 
How to use Proteus ( Part 2 ) 

OK readers now we are going to make a complete 89C51/8051 Development board in Proteus. First of all you need to divide the whole circuit imean 89C51/8051 Development board circuit into 4 parts.

The Power circuit , Serial communication circuit , Reset circuit and I/O port circuit.
We will make power circuit first , As we know that 89C51/8051 microcontrollers work on +5V. So we will choose 5V voltage regulator 7805 from Proteus library. Also some other components required for power circuit and these are given below.

Components required for Power Circuit :

Name of Components
Values of Components
Number Of Components
5V  Voltage Regulator ( 7805 )
Two Pin Header
330 Ohm

Rearrange all components as shown in below figure.

In next step we will connect all components as shown in below figure. And this is the final power circuit for 89C51/8051 development board. As you know that 89C51/8051 microcontroller and many sensors and peripherals work on +5V due to this we will use this circuit. This circuit gives us regulated +5V output.

Note pin 1 is +5V and pin 2 is ground of the output pin header J2. You can also add the ON/OFF button between VCC wire.
In many 89C51 microcontroller base Projects we will communicate serially with computer. So due to this fact we need to make a serial communication circuitry in our 89C51/8051 development board. To make a serial communication circuit for 89C51/8051 microcontroller , there are some components required and these components are shown in below table. 

Name of Components
Values of Components
Number Of Components
MAX 232   ( Serial communication IC )
DB 9  Connector
Three pin Jumper
Green LED

After choosing the above components in Proteus software , Rearrange all components as shown in below figure .

In next step we will connect all components as shown in below figure. And this is the final serial communication circuit for 89C51/8051 development board. We will connect the pin number 11 and 12 of  MAX232  IC with 89C51/8051 microcontroller.

OK now im going to make both reset circuitry and I/O port circuitry. This is very simple , as you see in my previous post reset circuit is consists on only three components , a 10K ohm resistor ,  10uF capacitor and a push button. On the other hand I/O port circuitry is nothing , imean we will connect the 8 pin jumpers with all I/O ports of 89C51/8051 microcontroller for simplicity. For this purpose we need some components and these are given in below table. 

Name of Components
Values of Components
Number Of Components
89C51 Microcontroller
Electrolytic Capacitor
10K ohm
8 Pin Jumper
2 Pin Jumper
Crystal Oscillator
12 MHz

The arrangement of components is shown in below figure . 

The connection of reset circuitry , Crystal Circuity and I/O port Circuitry is shown in below figure. Note the pin 1 of all headers is connected to PX.0 , here X is the number of port like P1.0 , P2.0 etc .

In last step we will connect Power circuit , Serial communication and Reset circuit together as shown in below figure. Now this is the final 89C51/8051 development board circuit.

OK readers in today's post you learned how to make a basic 89C51/8051 development board circuit using Proteus 7.6 . I have tried my best to explain everything but still if anyone facing problems in my posts please contact me or ask me in comments section. If you like my post then share this post with your friends and also like my 89c51 free Course facebook page .

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

How To Use Proteus 7.6 ( PART 2 )

How to use Proteus 7.6 ( PART 2 ) :

Hi readers , As in my previous post you learned about two sections of Proteus. Today's post is the second post about how to use Proteus 7.6. This post is also for beginners who don't have knowledge about how to use Proteus and makes Circuits and projects using Proteus. Proteus 7.6 or any version have many functions for making the circuits which provides simplicity in circuit designing. If you want to make a Project or circuit using Proteus software you need to know about the main functions of Proteus software. In today's post im going to teach you how to use Proteus 7.6 and what is the main sections of Proteus and how its work. 


Before start learning about how to use Proteus 7.6 , You need to Download and install the Proteus 7.6 version. If you don't know about how to Download and install the Proteus 7.6 then click   HERE   or read previous post  DAY 5. Now i hope you have install Proteus software after reading the previous post.
OK now let's comes towards main point. Today im going to teach about section 3 as shown in below figure.

In above figure the section 3 is shown and this section 3 has many important functions in Proteus software. In section 3 there are three main things, one is Component Mode icon another is Terminals icon and third is Virtual Instrument Mode icon. These three sub sections are commonly used in Proteus.


The top first icon. When you press on this icon Proteus Software goes in Component selection Mode. Suppose i want to add an LED in circuit then i will click on this icon and then press on P button. After clicking on P button what will happens look my previous post. HERE 


As we know that any circuit need VCC and ground. Proteus software provide very easy way of doing it. When we press on terminal mode button then we can provide the power and ground to any device. When you press on Terminal Mode button then Terminals box will open in right side as shown in below figure. You can simple pick GND and Power ( VCC ) from here and give it to any device like LED , 89c51 microcontroller etc etc .


As shown from name Virtual instrument Mode. When we press on this icon Proteus software goes in instrument mode. In simple word we can choose instruments for example oscilloscope , Virtual serial port monitor , counter timer , AC voltmeter etc etc . Below figure shows this concept , and in the figure there are some common instruments shown. The oscilloscope is used to display the waveforms. The Virtual serial port monitor is used to display the serial port data, both sending data and receiving data. The counter Timer is used for counting with respect to time. The AC voltmeter and AC Ammeter are used to measure the AC voltage and AC current. Also there are some extra instruments as shown in instrument box these instruments are also very useful in circuits checking like Signal generator , Logic Analyser etc etc .     

Now im going to describe the Graphs , Voltage and Current Probes and Graphic styles these are more important features of section 3. 


The graphs are more important in Circuit designing. Suppose if we want to check the voltage and current graph in Proteus , then what we will do ? . Its very simple you can do this using Graph Mode in Proteus Software.


The voltage and current probes are very important in Proteus software. Voltage and Current probes helps us , when we find the voltage or current in a circuit. Suppose if we want to find the value of current through a resistor in a circuit then we use current probe. And similarly if we want to find the voltage across any component in a circuit then we use the voltage probe.


As shown in above figure there are four graphic styles in Proteus software. The graphic styles are very important and use when we make our own component in Proteus software. For example if we want to make a solar cell in Proteus software then we use graphic method. 


Now im going to make a complete circuit using Proteus software. First of all you need to choose the components like LED , resistor etc etc. Im choosing two LEDs , One PUSH BUTTON , one 5V BATTERY and one RESISTOR ( 1k ohm ). Note if you don't know about how to choose the components using Proteus then visit my previous post . HERE 

Rearrange the components after choosing. Connect the components as shown in figure and press play button.  

OK friends in today's post we learned about section 3 of Proteus Software and also how to make a circuit using Proteus. I have tried my best to explain everything but still if anyone facing problems in my posts please contact me or ask me in comments section. If you like my post then share this post with your friends and also like my 89c51 free Course facebook page .

Related Posts :  
                            What is Microcontroller 

                            What is 89C51 Microcontroller 

                            How to use Proteus Part 1 


Tuesday, October 6, 2015

How To Use Proteus 7.6 ( PART 1 )

How To Use Proteus 7.6 ( PART 1 ) : 

Hi readers , today's post is the first post about how to use Proteus 7.6 . This post is for beginners who don't have knowledge about how to use Proteus and makes Circuits and Projects using Proteus .Proteus 7.6 or any version have many functions for making the circuits which provides simplicity in circuit designing. If you want to make a Project or circuit using Proteus software you need to know about the main functions of Proteus software. In today's post im going to teach you how to use Proteus 7.6 and what is the main sections of Proteus and how its work. 

Getting Started with Proteus 7.6 :    

Before start learning about how to use Proteus 7.6 , You need to Download and install the Proteus 7.6 version. If you don't know about how to Download and install the Proteus 7.6 then click   HERE   or read previous post  DAY 5. Now i hope you have install Proteus software after reading the previous post. Open Proteus software ( Proteus ISIS ) and it is shown in below figure. A central area is highlighted in below figure and this is the area in which we design our circuits.

To understand the Proteus software you need to know about all sections of Proteus . In below figure i have divided the Proteus in four sections. Section 1 is most common section you seen in many softwares. This section is called toolbar it performs simple functions like create a new design , open saved design , Save the design , zoom in , zoom out etc etc. At right side of toolbar you can see ARES icon and its use is to design a PCB layout.

As Shown in above figure section 2 is used to choose a components like Resistor , Capistor , 89C51 Microcontroller etc etc. Section 2 have two buttons P and L , P stands for pic a component and L is used to add a component library mostly we use P button for selecting components. We can also edit the properties of components after choosing the required component. 
Section 3 is most important section, this section have many functions. This section contains advanced Electronic tools like oscilloscope , Virtual Serial port Monitor , Power , Ground ,Wire bus etc etc .
Section 4 is also a main and very useful section in Proteus software. As you people knows that Proteus 7.6 is a simulator it means that we can check ( RUN ) our projects/Circuits. Section 4 have four buttons Play , Step, Pause and Stop by using these buttons we can play ( RUN ) and check our circuits weather it is working or not .
Today im explaining section 2 and 4 but i will explain section 3 in my next post ( DAY 7 ). Because section 3 is very wide section. 

Section 2 : Choosing components : 

Ithink best method of understanding the section 2 is to choose a component from Proteus component library. So when we press on P button then a new Window will open up as shown in below figure. In this window there is a search box shown in top right corner where we writes the required component name like Active LED , Resistor , 89C51 , Capistor etc etc . 

As you people knows that , many components required to make a circuit if you want to choose many components for making a circuit simply search component name in search box and double click on it and so on.

Section 4 : RUN The Circuit :

Before RUN any circuit you need to know about how to make a complete circuit using Proteus , No problem im here to teach you all about Proteus software. Below figure shows a very simple circuit , in this circuit there are two components a LED and a push button. The circuit is not Running without pressing the play button in section 4 .

When we pressed the play button then our circuit is Run as shown in figure. If there is a mistake in circuit the Proteus software shows an Error massage.

So today , we learned the basic two features of Proteus. Ithink this post is informative for you , if you have any questions or suggestion please comments in below section. In my next post you can learn how to make a complete circuit using Proteus as well as how to check/RUN it. If you like my posts please share this Blog/website link with your friends and also like my   89c51 free Course facebook page . Ok readers ALLAH hafiz and take care.

Related Posts :  
                         What is Microcontroller 
                         What is 89C51 Microcontroller 
                         How to install Proteus 7.6

Monday, October 5, 2015

How to Install and Crack Proteus 7.6

What is Proteus 7.6 and How to install it :

Before Installing the Proteus 7.6 you need to know that what is Proteus ?  The answer is , Proteus is a Simulator and 7.6 is the most important version of Proteus. In simple words we can say that , by using the Proteus 7.6 Simulator we can makes Circuits , Projects and PCB . Even we can RUN the projects and Circuits . For more information visit Proteus official site    HERE

OK Friends now im going to teach you How to install the Proteus 7.6 .After installing the Proteus 7.6 ,  I will teach you How to Use Proteus 7.6 , but in next Post imean in Day 6 .The Installation of Proteus 7.6 is very easy because im here to teach you in easy steps method . Note this post is very important for M.SC Electronics and Engineering Students .

Step 1 : 

First step is , Download the Proteus 7.6 crack version from secure link .Its very simple Click      HERE   

After Downloading and Extracting . Make a new folder and named as Proteus 7.6 + Crack and past these two extracted files into this folder just like shown in below figure .
( Note if you don't have Winrar then first you download Winrar software   HERE )


Step 2 :      After this , Open Setup76 and click on YES as shown in below figure .

Step 3 :   Now Press OK for Windows Update standalone Installer ..

Step 4 : Press Next 

Step 5 :   Press Yes 

Step 6 : Select Use a locally installed key and Press Next 

Step 7 :  Press Next 

Step 8 : Click on Browse for Key file 

Step 9 : Select Grassington North Yorkshine.lxk file and Press Open . Note this is key file , placed in Crack folder 

Step 10 : Press Install 

Step 11 : Press Yes and After installation of key close this window 

Step 12 : After Installing the Key . Open setup Wizard and Press Next 

Step 13 : In this step Choose the location you want to install and press Next 

Step 14 : Select upper three options and press Next 

Step 15 : Select Accessories and Press Next 

Step 16 : Proteus Program is now installing .....

Step 17 : Press Finish 

Step 18 : In this step we are going to crack Proteus 7.6 . 

Step 19 :  As you people knows that , Windows 7 is very popular operating system if you are using Windows 7 then open crack file as Administrator . 


Step 20 :   Press Update 

Step 21 : Press OK 

Step 22 : Open ISIS Shortcut of Proteus 7.6 

Last step : Press No and Enjoy the Proteus 7.6 Version ...

Ok friends these are the simple steps for successful Install the Proteus 7.6 . I hope you can understand the procedure of installation of Proteus 7.6 .If you have any problem in above steps contact me . For more updates Like my 89C51 free Course Facebook page . 

Related Posts :  
                         What is Microcontroller 
                         What is 89C51 Microcontroller