Tuesday, September 22, 2015

89C51 Programming Software Keil U version 4

How to use Keil u Version 4 :

First of all you need to know that what is Keil u version 4 .Keil is IDE ( Integrated Development Environment ) , Keil IDE is basically a compiler. In simple words it is a platform in which we can write the program ( code ) in either Assembly language or C language . Note this Post is most important for (M.SC Electronics and Engineering)  Students .

We can create the Hex file for 89C51 Microcontroller by using Keil u version 4 very easily . First of you need to download the Kiel u version 4 from Keil official website , link is given below .

After Download and install , you face some problems because you are not familiar with this software but its ok i teach you how to use the Keil u version in steps form

Step 1 : 

Create a New Folder for save the Projects and Remain it .

Step 2 : 

Open Keil u version 4 and click on project as shown in below figure and then click on   New uVersion  Project . 

Step 3 and 4 : 

After clicking on New uVersion Project give some name to your Project like ( TestProject ) and then press Save button .

Step 5 a :

After save your project Search AT89C51 Microcontroller from Atmel as shown in below figure .

Step 5 b and 6  : 

After Expanding now you select AT89C51 Microcontroller , We can also select another Microcontroller like PIC Microcontroller . 

Step 7 : 

When promoted , select Yes 

Step 8 and 9 : 

Now Click on New button as shown in step 8 , after clicking write your code in field shown in step 9

Step 10 : 

Below figure shows the color of code before saving the code .In simple words After saving the code , the colors of code will change .

Step 11 and 12 : 

Now save the text file ( Code ) with proper extension if you are writing in C language then use ( .C ) extension and similarly ( .ASM ) for Assembly language . 

Notice : 

Below figure shows how the gets Highlighted According to syntax .....

Step 13 and 14 : 

In these steps we add the files ( Code ) into Source Group 1 . Step 13 and 14 show the procedure of adding files into Source Group 1 .

Step 15 , 16 and 17 :

These steps also consists on add the code file into Source Group 1 . 

Step 18 and 19 :

After add the code file into Source Group 1 , Right click on Target 1 and go to Option for Target 1 . 

Step 20 , 21 and 22 : 

These steps are important because without step 21 we can not create the Hex file . By default the Hex file option is disabled you have to enable this option everytime for every project .

Last Step : 

 Build the project .....

Congratulation .........
Below figure shows how easy we can Build our first project by using Keil U version 4 .

Below Figure shows how to find the Built Hex file . Its very simple go to Folder you created for Keil u version Projects and search (projectname.Hex) .

Ok friends these are the simple steps for successful compilation and generation  of Hex file .I hope you have create you first Hex file .If you have any problem in above steps contact me . For more updates Like my 89C51 free Course Facebook page .   

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                         What is Microcontroller 
                         What is 89C51 Microcontroller 
                         Prgramming Languages Used In 89C51 Microcontroller 
                         How to Install Proteus 7.6 

Monday, September 21, 2015

Programming languages used in 89C51 Microcontroller

Programming languages used in 89C51 Microcontroller  :

The 89C51 Microcontroller programmed in three programming languages .

1 : Assembly Language 

First any very basic and old language is Assembly language , this is language for beginners Assembly language is referred to as a Low level language  . This language deals Directly with the internal structure of the CPU due to this the Assembly language provides totally control to user .Assembly language is not fully understandable (mean we do not add the human understandable words in Assembly codes just like in C language),  due to this we face problems when we write a big program(code) .As we know that the RAM of 89C51 Microcontroller is 128 Bytes and 4K byte code space , due to this we need small size codes ( programs ) . By using Assembly language we can make small size codes and this is the main advantage of Assembly language.

2 : C language 

2nd and , today most important and my best language is C language . This language provides very easy platform to user , to write bigger and professional codes(programs) . In C language we can use Human understandable words due to this it is easy language for writing difficult codes .We can not control all parts (Registers , Memory addresses etc etc ..)  of Microcontroller though C language coding , but we can perform all tasks by using this language .One and only disadvantage of c language is that , it gives large code size .
In case of 89C51 Microcontroller we must write code lower than 4K byte , but its ok i teach you how to reduce the size of coding .

3 : C++ language 

3rd and most popular language is C++ language it is a higher level language . C++ is very easy language for writing professional codes . It is very advanced language so we can add libraries to our code . Codes size is larger this language .    


The above figure shows the advantage and disadvantages of basic three programming languages .

Related Posts :

                      What Is Microcontroller 
                      What Is 89C51 Microcontroller 
                                   89C51 Programming Software Keil U Version 4

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

What is 89c51 Microcontroller

The 89C51 Microcontroller:-

The 89c51 is best microcontroller for beginners it is a low power and high performance 8-bit microcontroller.The 89c51 have 4K bytes of flash programmable and erasable read only memory (PEROM) .The 89c51 is belong to Atmel's 8051 family but 89c51 is advanced form of 8051 .

Features of 89C51 Microcontroller :-

  • 4K bytes of In-System Reprogrammable Flash memory
  • Fully static Operation : 0Hz to 24MHz
  • 128 x 8-bit internal RAM 
  • 32 programmable I/O Pins 
  • Two 16-bit Times/Counters ( Timer 0 ,Timer 1 )
  • One programmable Serial port 
  • Six interrupt sources 
  • Operating  voltage = 5V                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

Pin configuration of 89C51 Microcontroller :-  


The above figure shows the Pin configration of 89c51 Microcontroller , As shown from figure the 89c51 Microcontroller contains Four I/O ports three ports are multi function ports ( Port0 , Port1 and Port 3 ) but Port 1 is single function port .All Ports are 8-bit ports and upon rest all ports are consider as input . 

PORT 0 : 

The Port 0 can be used as input or output , the Port 0 is open drain port due this face each pin must be connected to 10K ohm pull up resistor . The Port 0 dual functional (AD0-AD7) Port mean when we connect the 89c51 Microcontroller  to an external memory the Port 0 provides both address and Data .

PORT 1 :

The Port 1  can be used as input or output , this Port can not need any pull up resistors it had already pull up resistors internally .Port 1 is single functional Port . 

PORT 2 :

The Port 2 can be used as input or output , just like Port 1 , Port 2 can not need any pull up resistors it had already pull up resistors internally . Port 2 is dual functional (A8-A15) Port , mean it provides upper 8-bit address to external memory (upper byte) .In simple words Port 0 and Port 2 provides the 16-bit address to external memory , when external memory is present . 

PORT 3 :

Port 3 is very important port just like other three ports the Port 2 can be used as input or output and also no need any pull up resistor . Port 3 is also a Dual functional any very important functions Port .


Reset Pin :

The Reset Pin is active high pin , we will use two circuits for system reset one is manual reset and other is power on reset .

1: Manual Reset 

2 :  Power On Reset

Crystal Oscillator :

To make the 89C51 Microcontroller functional we need to connect the  Crystal oscillator to pin 18 and 19 . Most commonly used crystal oscillators are 12 MHz and 11.0592 MHz .

VCC and GND :

The pin 40 is the VCC ( need to connect with +5V ) and pin 20 is Ground pin ( need to connect with 0V or negative terminal of battery or charger) .

EA/VPP , ALE/Prog and PSEN :

Pin 31 , EA ( External Access Enable ) this pin is normally connected to Vcc but when we connect this pin to GND the Microcontroller execute External ROM program(code).
VPP( Programming enable Voltage ) is normally connected to +5V .

Pin 30 ALE (Address Latch Enable ) is used for demultiplexing the address and data bus ALE pin is used when external memory is connected .

Pin 29 PSEN ( Program store Enable ) this pin provides an output signal  that enables external program code( memory ) , this Pin is used when external memory is connected . 

Related Posts : 

       What is Microcontroller 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

What is Microcontroller

Microcontroller : -

 A micro controller ( UC or MCU ) is a mini computer on a single chip or IC ( integrated circuit ) containing a CPU (microprocessor) , RAM , ROM , input/output ports , Timers  , and other peripherals. Most of the Microcontroller are programmable , the program ( Coding ) is written in many programming languages such as Assembly language , C language , C++ etc .Today microcontrollers are very small , cheap and easy to handle and program such as 89c51 , 89c52 , 89c55 etc .This type of microconrollers are consume almost zero power .Any microcontroller  need a programmer for upload the code ( program hex file ) into the microcontroller , some microcontroller programmed directly though serial port such as 89c55. In below figure the inside view of a microcontroller  is shown .                                                                                                                                                                                                    

RAM : 

(Random Access Memory) is the most common memory in Microcontrollers and computers this memory is used for temporary storage . The RAM is Volatile memory mean , data lost when power is off . In simple meaning , the RAM is temporary storage of program when computer or Microcontroller is Running .


(Read Only Memory) is also very important memory in Microcontroller and computers this memory is used for Permanent storage and Information in ROM can not be change . ROM contain the programs and information , ROM is nonvolatile memory data not lost when computer or power of Microcontroller is off .


(Central Processing Unit) is very very important unit in Computer and Microprocessors the main function of CPU is to execute the information ( Coding / Programs ) stored in Memory .

I/O Ports :

(Input/Output Ports) are used for communication (Interfacing) , the communication between Microcontroller and other devices such as Sensors , external memory .89c51 Microcontroller contain Four I/O ports and one port contain 8 lines .

Timers :

As shown from name the Times are used for timing functions like generate the delays etc etc .In 89c51 Microcontroller Timers consists on 16-bit register ( 2 byte ) called THx/TLx .
Timers are also used for counting .In simple words 89c51 has two Timers and they can be used either as : 
  1. Timers to generate the delay    OR 
  2. Event Counter ( Count the high to Low transaction )  

Difference between Microcontroller and Microprocessor :-

As shown from name the Microprocessor is only processing unit . If we compare the microprocessor with microcontroller , the microprocessor have no RAM , ROM , I/O ports ,Times nothing the Microprocessor is only a CPU ( Central processing Unit ) . The microproccesor need external RAM, ROM and other peripherals for proper function .The microprocessor is used when fast processing is required such in computers .                                                                                                                                                                          

The intel 8086 is 80 Family Microprocessor it is 16-bit Microprocessor made by Intel in 1997 .  

Related Posts : 

                                   What Is 89C51 Microcontroller 

                              Programming Languages Used in 89C51 Microcontroller                                                                                                                                      

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Course Outline

 Course Outline 

 1 . What is Microcontroller                                                                            day 1
 2 . 89c51 Microcontroller                                                                              day 2
 3 . Programming languages used in Microcontroller                                    day 3
 4 . Software need to write the C code (Kiel u version )                                day 4+5        
 5 . Software need to Make circuit                                                                 day 6
 6 . Working on Protious software version 7.6                                               day 7+8
 7 . Making hardware for Practice ( Practice Board )                                     day 9
 8 . First program ( Hello World  ) in keil                                                       day 10
 9 . Blinking led Program                                                                                day 11 
10. in progress ..............
90. Day full course and final free course is COMING SOON INSHA ALLAH for you .                                                                                         


Hi ... in this course we are learning about the Micro controller programming and creating useful projects .